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Year 37



Hello everyone, and welcome to the exam!  This exam will be a mix of written and practical, so I hope you are ready.  As with the regular assignments, the more effort you put into your work, the higher your marks will be, however, please stick to decently relevant information, as quality is more important than quantity.


1. Please list the creatures we have studied this year by their Ministry of Magic ranking, from least dangerous to most dangerous.

2. Why were Shrakes first created?

3. Which creature that we studied this term is deserving of Being status, despite not having it?

4. What are lobalugs used for?

5. Why are Ramoras considered the guardians of seafarers?

6. Describe the appearance of a Kelpie.



Alright, now that we have finished the written portion, on to the practical.  When I open this door, you will see a pool before you... in it are several of the creatures we have studied this term.  You will need to get to the other side of the pool safely in order to pass.  Good luck!


7.  As you tentatively enter the pool, you feel a tug on your leg, and long, strong, spindly fingers wrapping around your ankle.  You know immediately that this is a Grindylow, but how do you get past it?


8.  Now that you are past the Grindylow, you tentatively move forward, wary of what might be coming.  You are thrilled, however, to see Holly the Hippocampus coming towards you, friendly and inviting.  If you can just get on her and get to the other side, you’ll be set… (please write me a short essay on your ride)


9.  Finally, Holly gets you to the edge of the pool, and as you get off, you think to yourself, that was incredibly easy!  Unfortunately, just as you go to exit, you see bright eyes peaking up at you in the shallows on the edge of the pool.  You narrowly avoid the webbed fingers of the kappa on its first swipe, but it is about to attack again… what do you do?


Bonus: What is the core of my wand?

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