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NEWT Tasks

Task 1. Chose either task 1A or 1B. Both are worth equal marks, if you have previously completed one of these tasks, please choose the other!

1A. Choose four of the following admin and discuss what you believe their Animagus form would be and why.

  • Liam
  • Lara
  • Bryce
  • Cass
  • Nicole
  • Rebekah
  • Linda
  • Ella 

 1B. Choose four of the following Muggle celebrities and discuss what you believe their Animagus form would be and why. If you don’t know who these people are, there is a handy little tool called Google you can use to research ;)

  • Angelina Jolie
  • Tyra Banks
  • Justin Bieber
  • David Beckham
  • Snoop Dogg
  • Betty White
  • Lindsey Lohan
  • Barrack Obama


Task 2. Choose either task 2A or 2B. Both are worth equal marks. Choose whichever task you feel most comfortable completing.


2A. Make your way down to Animagus training which can be found in the Hufflepuff Cellars. You will need to PM me to receive the password. This whole process will take up majority of the year, so you need to PM me pretty close to the beginning of the year. If you have already started Animagus training that is fine, I should have your thread still.


2B. I would like you to write a mini essay explaining how being an Animagi would be useful during your everyday life as an Of-Age witch or wizard. Include things such as how it would help you at work, around the house and document what you believe your Animagi form would be and why.


Task 3. Please write a short essay addressing the question, “Why is it necessary for Animagi to be monitored and registered at the ministry?”. The length of the essay is up to you, but remember this is NEWT year, a couple of sentences will simply not cut it.

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